Digital Signature Certificates Services Providers in India


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Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates

Class 2 Digital Signature Discontinued, Only Class 3 Digital Signature Will Be Issued.

Class 2 Digital Signature are issued as Managed Digital Certificates to partners/employees/ affiliates/ customers of business and government organizations that are ready to assume the responsibility of verifying the accuracy of the information submitted by their employees,partners, affiliates, and customers.

There are many types of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) that cater to specific needs. While eFiling on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs portal, a DSC of Class 2 and Class 3 category is required.
A Class 2 DSC is available for download after verification based on a trusted and pre-verified database.
A Class 3 DSC, on the other hand, is of a higher level as it is issued only after the registrant’s identity verification has been done by a Registration Authority.

Class 2 digital signature certificates for MCA21/ROC eFiling.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs under the MCA21 program, has made e-filing with Digital Signature certificate mandatory. Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate is the minimum standard Digital Signature Certificate required for e-filing on the MCA21 portal. All the authorized signatories of company under MCA21 require Digital Signature Class 2. Similarly any document filed by CA, CS, CWA and TAX PRACTIONERS under MCA21 require Digital Signature Certificate Class

2. Class 2 digital signature Certificate for Income Tax eFiling.

e-Filing with Pan Encrypted Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) on the Income Tax e-Filing portal has been made mandatory w.e.f first July 2011 for Firms and Individuals whose accounts are need to be audited u/s 44 AB of the Income Tax Act’ 1961. For other people who don’t go under the above category, e-Filing Income Tax returns might be finished with DSC also. If filing is done electronically utilizing digital signature, there is no required to submit a physical copy of the return. Else a physical printed copy of the filled up Form alongside the copy of the Provisional Acknowledgement Number of your e-Return must be submitted.

Validity of Digital Signature Certificate Class 2:

The DSCs are typically issued with 1 year, 2 years and 3 years validity. These are renewable on expiry of the period of initial issue.