Digital Signature Certificates Services Providers in India


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Digital Signature Certificate for Trademark Registration

The Indian Patent Office (IPO) has introduced e-filing services for patents way back in 2007, with the objective to carry out all communication and financial transactions online. The portal enabled users to file for new patents online. Stakeholders are successfully using this service. In an attempt to make the process more transparent and user friendly, the IPO has further developed the patent e-filing service. In addition to e-filing of patent applications, subsequent filings have also been integrated. The registered applicants, also have personal folders in the IPO’s secure environment.

Advantages of the IPO’s patent e-filing portal:

  • Online patent filing
  • All entries are filled, as per Schedule 1 of the Patents Rules, 2003.
  • Validation with IPO patent database.
  • Unique user profile.
  • Users can add or update their digital signatures on the IPO patent online filing platform.
  • Transaction errors are minimum with improved procedures

The Controller General supervises the working of the Patents Act, 1970, as amended, the Designs Act, 2000 and the Trade Marks Act, 1999. The organisation also acts as an advisor to the Government on matters relating to these subjects. Geographical Indications Registry has been established in Chennai to administer the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registeration and Protection) Act, 1999 under the CGPDTM.

Class 3 digital signature certificate is essential for e-filing of patents. Once the registration is complete, the user needs to add his/ her digital signature. However, the user needs to install the digital signatures, on his/ her computer, prior to registering. In case the user loses the password, the user can login with the electronic signature and reset the password.

Trademark e-filing

In India, to file for trademark online, the user needs to buy a class 3 digital signature certificate. Users can buy digital signature certificates online in India, from any certifying authority or a registeration authority. To sign the trademark e-filing application, the user needs to select particular application ‘532’ and then choose ‘sign document’. On the computer screen, a window appears on which all the installed class 3 digital signatures will be listed. The user can choose the appropriate certificate and sign the document electronically. After this, the user will receive a notification that the document has been signed.

Class 3 certificates ensure the highest level of security when documents are exchanged electronically via the internet. The digital signature verifies the identity of the person signing the documents.

After submission of the digital certificate, the user can proceed to make the payment. Once the user selects the ‘Make payment’ option, the system will display the amount the user has to pay. The user can make the payment through a credit card or through net banking. The portal allows users to carry out net banking with the State Bank of India or Axis Bank.

Once the payment is made successfully, the user will be redirected to the trademark e-filing portal. Here the user can view the receipt for payment. The receipt can also be printed at a later time.